Thursday, July 22, 2010

cake withdrawals?

i know. i know.

to be frank, i haven't had any crazy insatiable cravings yet. i haven't missed coffee too much, i'm not dreaming of bagels, bow-tie pasta & corn bread.

i can't however, get the image of a big yellow cake with vanilla frosting on it out of my head. it's haunting me.

for the record i haven't cheated. i just need to get this cake business off my chest.


  1. cake is a funny thing. i don't even like it that much but i feel compelled to eat it when given the opportunity. there is a baby shower at work later today. while i may never give up coffee (i've tried, it was ugly), i'll pass on the cake for solidarity purposes :)

  2. i know! i don't really generally like cake. it's a very strange kind of craving. i think i may be craving it because it's the epitome of everything i can't eat all in one.

    processed flour
    yeast/baking powder/baking soda
    dairy for the frosting
