Sunday, September 19, 2010

the proof is in the pudding

before & at 60 days:
(june2010)(july 2010)

(sept 2010)


  1. OMG! Taina, this is serious business! you are shrinking! Proud of you, it's hard work for sure and you're doing such a good job. Nice work and Congrats!!

  2. You look amazing! I can't remeber if I told u at the bday dinner but you really do. I am so happy that you are happy healthy Tai! Even manny asked me "Is it ok to tell a woman she looks thinner?" I said "just tell Tai she looks great. " were so proud of all your hard work, love u much!

  3. You look great! You have had a very successful and educational 2 months... it is very admirable!
    PS LOVE the red lips. ;)

  4. thanks guys, i have a ways to go. but i am also proud of myself, it's a drastic lifestyle change and i have been known to not finish things i start.

    big hugs for all the love and support. and jill tell manny he is always allowed to say i look thinner (true or un-true!).
