Monday, August 02, 2010


sorry i haven't posted my menu from last week. i am slightly behind and in truth we ordered out a few days last week so i think i may postpone and do a week 3 and 4 menu update this friday.

i'm writing because i am much more excited to announce that i just viisted and i ordered the fixins to help make ..... quinoa sushi!  i'm totally excited. i have been thinking about what kinds of things i can try and branch out into and beside having found great kamut and quinoa pasta i realized sushi is an easy and versatile thing to make and i can load up on veggies and it will be great for lunches.

i haven't pooped since saturday but i am positive the reason is i ate like 2 or 3 cookies a day (the cranberry cookies i mentioned earlier) and while they tide hunger well they are also very dense and perhaps i didn't drink enough water over the weekend to get them good and no as dense.

i'm working on that so i'm gonna stick to veggies and more veggies today, things should be back i order by tomorrow.

cheers and sushi!

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